The Saint and the Devil

The Saint and the Devil

تحليل وآراء

الثلاثاء، ٧ فبراير ٢٠٢٣

By Dr. Nabil Tohme Member of Parliament/Syria for TID

The Saint and the Devil
People look between them, filled with bewilderment as to who they will turn to. Who will declare victory over the other until that is reached? We should get up and move forward, and let’s start counting upward, that is, from where we are present, because counting down brings us back to zero, and if we decide that we are in the middle of the slope, this means that we have a foundation to lean on, and if it were not for it, we would be at the bottom. So it is necessary to realize the mind and invest in it, as long as we continue in life, which gave us additional opportunities without which nothing has meaning.
The issue is not magic, and everyone who talks about not possessing a magic wand is closer to failure, because magic is in its essence chemistry. It appears as a result of an equation between two parties. If we find its composition, we will succeed, and if we do not believe in it.
Magic is a game of lightness, cunning, and visual deception, which deceives those who are waiting, and this spreads in crises from which the majority of societies are affected, who feel angry, and their anger turns into fanaticism and extremism, which they project on everything, and among the characteristics of extremism is the pursuit of religious or ideological succession and the application of legal borders Not recognizing man-made laws and promoting hatred between religions, owning the language of exclusion and tending to fabricate wars and terrorism, generating a culture of conquest and captivity and restricting women and public freedoms.
People are stuck between two concepts; The suspicious right or the hesitant left, subconsciously clinging to religious and non-religious systems. Societies of hypocrisy tend in the image to holiness, and wear chastity covers, which spread and reinforce the veiling of minds under the veil of heads, taking the corners of extremism, ending any role for tolerance, dialogue, or acceptance of diversity and pluralism.
In a time of turmoil, telling the truth is a moral act, and it is true that the body instinctively requests food, water, air, sex, and sleep, but it carries a thinking mind that separates it from the rest of the races, what prepared it to lead it because it represents life for him, as it represents it for her, he shares desires with it, in addition to possessing mysteries that take By it, either to be a saint, and this is rare, or a devil, and this is widespread. Man is the son of his actions that you know about him, even if he denies them. And from what I went to, I find that the title deserves contemplation and reflection on it, away from emotions or feelings, because it incites the thought, and pushes it to scrutinize the available results before proceeding with the exit, and then determines the capabilities to walk towards the goal.
The justice of human beings, no matter how holiness they are, and no matter how strong their insight, often takes the innocent by the burden of others, and escapes a criminal from punishment. Bloody battles and fierce wars take place between the walls of life, made by humans themselves for what? Ego, woman, money, prestige? Results that show the suffering of the poor and the rich, the saint and the devil, in light of situations that are often very complex, whose outlets are narrow and whose doors are closed.
Is there a holy miracle that restores man’s presence and true faith? He takes everyone to salvation. Who will make it.. God or man? Behind the local, regional and global crises stand the devils that accumulated and piled on top of the other, and then exploded all at once. What does it mean to be in a time filled with terrorism and extortion, interpretations that restrict the mind and ideologies that no longer enrich conscious thought?
An important question: Why does the blackness of the world carry backwards forward? Will we witness a major return of the sultans of holy wars, devilish terror, spiritual and ideological misguidance, and negative choices in bad moments, in which glimmers of hope end, and end the presence of happiness?
Let us acknowledge the accumulation of dilemmas and issues that constituted the totality of global crises, and exploded among everyone in its various forms, political, economic, social, religious and sexual. There are no longer saints, and Satan has disappeared from existence, and the devils have spread, so where do people go? To the continuation of the imbalance in all local, regional and international social relations? Or to start radical reforms in the infrastructure and superstructure in which the immaterial was demolished? Who is this man who created the void and filled it with absurdity between the saint and the devil? Major issues have arisen, how do we address them and work hard to solve them according to the rules of the possible? Who are we, and to whom do we belong under our title?
Dr.. Nabil Tohme