Syria: The World Destroy’s His Existence

Syria: The World Destroy’s His Existence

تحليل وآراء

الاثنين، ٧ أغسطس ٢٠٢٣

Bone-breaking games, war of annihilation, or struggle to the death, as it was taking place in the arenas of Athens and Rome, check and follow what is happening now, from Jerusalem to Jenin to Gaza, the Palestinian territories are divided, and hunters are spread mercilessly and relentlessly, the same is the case in Syria east of the Euphrates and Idlib In its north, al-Tanf, the Rukban camp, the Golan, and southern Lebanon, all of it is an Arab land desecrated by the spoils hunters who are looking for wealth who insist on severing the members of a single society, as well as Donetsk, Luhansk, Bakhmut, Kherson, Crimea, and Zabrozhia, the lands of the Russian people and their forces that were present on them, mobilized the entire Euro-American West, which practiced the hobby of breaking the resolve Al-Azm is with the Russian Federation, and they also followed Chinese Taiwan and the American insistence that is still playing the game of carrots and sticks with Mother China, and the debate continues about one China, Sudan and a bitter struggle over the spoils of gold, uranium and fresh water, from Darfur to Port Sudan, from the north on the Egyptian border until South Sudan, which was carved out of One Sudan that is inevitably going to partition, Europe is an old player that did not develop after it was a terrifying colonial power whose size was American and subjugated it to it, and went to fabricate problems and strife, contenting itself with managing them and ignoring their solution, and therefore easy manipulation and the cruelty that manages the global mind appeared, and through it we see the scattering of rubble and the rise of pillars The smoke is non-stop from morning until evening, and from there until the next morning, only the neighborhoods witness the collection of corpses, the transfer of the wounded and the injured, and the destruction, and the various media compete about the number of those who shunned the fighting or who were eliminated, and about those who fell from among the fighters and civilians, and there are those who say They were martyred and rose to the top. As a result, equal or otherwise battles occur. There are peoples who only have compliance to fight with peoples who possess tremendous powers, and the result shows inequality through the determined results of material and human.
The world is destroying its existence, wars dominate and spread chaos, turmoil and big sticks in the hand of a handful that strikes with it everywhere, the economy is concentrated in the hands of an unreasonable handful, so there is no wisdom, stability or security, the United Nations denounces and denounces, requests and sends envoys and expresses its concern about every tense situation and raises the level of concern or It reduces it according to the region, the strength of the actor, and the weakness of its effect. Only artificial intelligence monitors the fine details, evaluates the risks, and develops in the productive generations that it wants to provide after reducing the number of the population of the living planet. From birds to swine flu to mad cow disease, through AIDS or “AIDS” and then Ebola, to corona and its transformations, and finally bone-breaking wars to reduce the problem of reproduction or reduce the number of people whose number in the fifth month of this year 2023 reached eight billion and a few people, Europe dreams Waking up from the dream of immigration, Africa between East and West is lost, Asia is blown by the wind with China, the Arabs are still searching for themselves, the hell of wars produces people to graves, people to displacement and asylum, and people to hospitals as a result of injuries from shell fragments and explosions and the employment of opportunistic brokers and politicians who can Stopping all these events and conflicts of all kinds and forms between man and man, where is this man who can judge between them, and if he succeeds in bringing about calm and truce, and all this anticipates the storms that occur with a spark, word, bullet, kidnapping, or a meeting on political, economic or social conditions Or religious, sectarian, doctrinal, or ideological, and soon all or some of that turns into an imaginary danger threatening the existence of a society, state, countries, or the world as a whole.
How will the peoples who bear all these pains and sins cross into their tomorrows? Is there anyone comfortable in it? The rich and the poor both have anxiety and their fate has become one, and the reason is that there is no longer safety on the surface of this planet. Everyone is exposed to danger from the human being and his thought, or from nature and its disasters that are equivalent to the disasters of the human product. The conflict between man and man is continuous and eternal.
Nothing goes, nothing disappears from the lives of peoples, memory is recorded and history takes from it what we declare, and what we hide, omit, erase or forget must appear through the holes of memory that, since they existed, have been bleeding pain, wars and destruction, and the reason is that we are Humans do not want a confrontation with ourselves and with each other, whether intellectual, scientific or human, so we go to a confrontation of another form that is governed by peace and its results, which took the form of a harsh burden, which we pass on from one generation to another, full of pains and hopes, weak hopes and exhausting and harsh pains. We did not learn first that we want To learn despite what we have acquired from science, but I find it
Dr.. Nabil Tohme